As we all know, 'Empty Spain' is when towns and villages are completely or almost completely abandoned. These are 20 of them. I'm going to explain where they are and their names, of course. I will also show some photos of them.
1. Berlanga de Duero (Soria)
2. Paracena (Soria)
3. La Iglesuela del Cid (Teruel)
4. Mirambel (Teruel)
5. Alarcón (Cuenca)
6. Vilés (Cuenca)
7. Agüero (Huesca)
8. Roda de Isábena (Huesca)
9. Villardeciervos (Zamora)
10. Tábara (Zamora)
11. Bonilla de Sierra (Ávila)
12. Mombeltrán (Ávila)
13. Belvis de Monroy (Cáceres)
14. Hoyos (Cáceres)
15. Villalcázar de Sirga (Palencia)
16. Gama (Palencia)
17. Cogolludo (Guadalajara)
18. Zorita de los Canes (Guadalajara)
19. Maderuelo (Segovia)
20. Madriguera (Segovia)
The town with fewer inhbitants has only 11!
Laura Rodríguez 6ºA