6TH grade class - writing together

It was another day at home during quarantine in 2020. I needed to work and do my homework by my computer. But, I realized that I urgently needed to go to my computer classes, because I didn't know anything about it.
Then, I decided to sign up for 2 days a week at the computing academy. The lessons were too long and sometimes I couldn’t attend class. So that, my mother decided to buy me a computer to work and study from home. I got it! I had the first video call with my colleagues and my teacher Carmen. The worst thing was that, I was glued to the computer the whole day. A month later, I couldn’t see properly and I had to go to the eye doctor. My mum was angry with me. She said: ‘Don’t do that again’. So, I obeyed her.
Finally, I tried to organize my computing work. Since that moment, I use my computer only for 2 or 3 hours a day, as specialists recommend.