LINDA’s new job
6TH grade class - writing together

It all began 2 years ago when Linda was at home. ‘Why don't I have a job?’, she thought. ‘I'm going to look for a job today’. And without thinking twice, she went to look for it. She found some jobs for her. Among them: as a cook in a restaurant , as a receptionist in a hotel and also as a tour guide. She chose the restaurant one. As soon as she said it she went to her new working place.
In the kitchen and the staff gave her all the necessary tools. The restaurant started filling up with people to eat, and she was getting more and more nervous. But she knew how to manage the situation and everybody was very happy with their meals. Then, one day a famous chef went to the restaurant and she felt anxious. Linda was a little reassured when she thought she was such a good cook, and even she was still very nervous when the chef arrived, Linda cooked a meal for him. A family recipe so the chef would love it. The chef hired her and in two years he got retired, so Linda became the head cook.
Months later, a group of people came in . They were her family, who wanted to try her food. She felt very nervous again. She started cooking and when she served the food to her family they congratulated her because of her lovely job.